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Proving Asset
Reserves With
Merkle Trees

Welcome to EXZi, where transparency and security are our top priorities. In this guide, we'll explain how we ensure the safety and integrity of your assets by proving our reserves using Merkle Tree technology.

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Merkle Tree Proofs

What Are Merkle Trees

Merkle Trees are cryptographic data structures that enable efficient and secure verification of large datasets.

How They Work: Merkle Trees use hash functions to create a hierarchical structure of data, with each level containing a hash of the data below it.

They provide quick proof of data integrity and are widely used in blockchain technology.

Auditing and

Third-party Audits: We regularly engage third-party auditors to verify our reserve holdings and the accuracy of our Merkle Tree.

Reports: Audit reports are made available to the public for transparency.

Continuous Monitoring: We maintain ongoing transparency and undergo periodic audits to ensure our reserves remain secure.

At EXZi, we take your asset security seriously. Our use of Merkle Tree technology ensures that you can trust our platform with your valuable assets, We're committed to providing transparency, security to our users.

Why Use Merkle Trees for Proving Reserves ?

Security: Merkle Trees ensure that the data has not been tampered with, providing a robust way to prove reserve integrity.

Efficiency: They enable verification of a large dataset with minimal computational resources, making it practical for crypto exchanges.

Transparency: Our users can independently verify the integrity of our reserves, enhancing trust in our platform.

The Proof of Reserves Process

Data Collection: We collect information about all user account balances and asset holdings.

Merkle Tree Construction: Using this data, we construct a Merkle Tree, where each leaf node represents a user's asset balance.

Root Hash: The top-level hash of the Merkle Tree, known as the "Root Hash," is made public.

User Verification

Providing Tools: We offer tools or APIs that allow users to request and verify their individual Merkle Tree branches.

Transparency: Users can compare the hash of their branch to the publicly available Root Hash to ensure their assets are included in the reserves.